Monday, March 21, 2016


This week we focused on the four Mitzvot we should try and do on Purim

1. Hear the Megillah- story of Purim. 
The children created their very own. They also had an activity to write in their own Megillah with eraser board markers.
2. Give charity. The children created their own charity box to take home. They also enjoyed a great activity searching for coins in sand and putting them into the charity box.

3. Eating a festive meal- the children painted hamantaschen- the traditional food we eat on Purim and learned all about shapes, especially triangles.

4. Giving a basket of food to a friend. (Shaloch Manos) here the children finger painted boxes to fill with treats for a friend.

Crown making

Sensory table- looking for the Kings jewels
Gragger making




Shabbat Party

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