Tuesday, December 15, 2015


Our students were very busy this week learning all about the holiday of Chanukah!


Morah Chana told us all about the Chanukah story. 
We got to hear it from a gigantic book (bigger than us). 

We cooperatively painted our classroom Chanukah decorations. 
We worked on our own menorahs. 
We did many Chanukah lessons- from dreidel color sorting to candle sorting and putting the candles into the Menorah- great skill strengthening! 




Wax coloring 

We had sensory fun with olives- learning that olives make olive oil (in correspondence to our Chanukah story about oil and the Menorah). Dramatic play was also in full swing with cooking latkes (potato pancakes), lighting menorahs, and playing dreidel!



Chanukah Party


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