Monday, January 25, 2016


What a colorful week our class had! We started our unit on colors and delved into blue and green! The students got to "show and tell" their blue and green colored clothing and search for those colored items in the classroom. 

Circle time- all the children who are wearing blue

We also explored the sensory bin filled with colorful pasta, reviewing the colors. 

Colored sensory table

The students are creating a color book and made their first two pages already. We can't wait to show it to you next week! From painting with bubble wrap on our blue page to painting with green apples on our green page, we are eagerly waiting to see which colors we will go into next week! 

Blue collage for blue day

Painting Yellow 

Orange day- painting with oranges

Red day- dotting with red

Tu bshvat party with the Montessori class- happy birthday to the trees


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