Friday, January 8, 2016

Community Helpers

We finished up our unit on community helpers.
We learned about four different types of people who really help out in our communities and how we should say thank you when we see them. 
From sending out our own mail, to wearing a police badge and helping others, to using toothbrushes, to actually brush a tooth, we really got to role play! 

Sending out our mail to our parents 
Police man puppets


Sensory Bin - exploring teeth, in connection to our 
community helper unit we learned about going to the dentist.

We introduced some new Montessori lessons and we are so proud of all the children's progress. 

Color Matching
Color Sorting


We were so privileged to have the Miami Fire Department come and speak to us about fire safety (in relation to fire men and fire safety unit). We got to go inside the fire truck and see all the equipment the firemen use.


Shoshana's Birthday! 


 Painting with tea bags
"Brushing" our teeth

Learning the letter A

Soccer Stars

Playground fun - Enjoying the cool weather outside

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